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Posted by Ballpark Frank ( on 19:25:10 03/04/18
In Reply to: Let's Talk About "News" not membership posted by Post
For those not on Facebook, here is what we have been talking about this weekend.
Cities and counties around Montana have blown through their snow removal budgets early this winter, some as early as late December or early January. My HOA is assessing each of us homeowners an extra $50 to shore up the budget due to substantially greater than normal snow clearing costs.
The big news is what the repetitive storms, followed by strong winds, without the customary warm-up in between storms, which tends to produce an ice cap that prevents subsequent drifting, have stranded thousands of rural residents on the Blackfeet and Ft. Belknap/Northern Cheyenne reservations, and adjacent private lands. Some people have gone weeks without being able to get to groceries, medical help, or schools.
As usual, the page parameters will not allow me to provide a live link to the news story that was published in The Missoulian, and carried by The Billings Gazette and the Helena Independent Record. For anyone not on Facebook, who is curious, here is a link you can copy and paste into your browser:
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