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Posted by Granite Head ( on 08:30:09 08/14/18
In Reply to: We watched parts of the Yellowstone show posted by ALR
I thought they were clear enough about the set-up in West to test which of the bears - who were referred to by name - could open the cooler and to get a laugh out of the shots of them eating burgers off the grill. I don't think there was any pretense otherwise.
However, a lot of the rest of Sunday's episode (the only one we watched) was flawed in one way or another. For example, wolves know what a low-flying helicopter means and typically disappear into the woods post haste; bald eagle diets, at in the GYE, are not 50% fish and 50% water fowl; and that beauty spot in the Snake River where you can get great photos and sometimes see beavers is not pronounced Schaw-BACK-er.
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