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Posted by Ballpark Frank ( on 11:43:25 09/20/19
In Reply to: How was the hike? posted by DG
We had ideal weather, so the photo opps were priceless. We never did get to the cabin. At the junction where the Cougar Creek and Gneiss Creek trails diverge, we took a third trail that appears to be a combination of bison trail and a trail to an exclosure site used by researchers. The signage at the junction points you that way to the Cougar Creek trail.
Four of us went back out there on the following Wednesday, after we figured out the correct route. Skeets and I have both published photo album trip reports on Facebook on the initial trek. I will publish one on the second, and successful attempt, sometime in the next 3 or 4 days. I also have photos posted on the Meetup from both hikes, and they have captions beneath each one that tell the story. I will post a link to the Meetup below, in case you are not on Facebook. The link will take you to the main page. Scroll down a bit, and you will see "Past Events". Over to the right, there will be a highlighted "See all". Click on that, and it will show the summary info on each of the past events, in descending date order. The dates you want are August 31st and September 4th. Just click on the title of the event, and it will bring up an expanded page centered on that specific event. Scroll down past the narrative about the planned event ("Details") and the "Attendees", and you will come to the photos. Just start with the photo at top left, and you can cruise through the photos that are posted.
Tip for something I think you will get a kick out of: Scroll down through the past events to the August 4, 2018 hike out in Hayden Valley. It was a magical day, where we got to observe multiple grizzlies and most of the Wapiti wolf pack.
There's lots of entertainment to be had surfing these past events.
I hope your health is hanging in there. You may or may not have heard about my most recent "adventure" with lymphoma. I spent last winter undergoing chemo, and then a month of radiation treatments in the spring. It appears we have beaten it back (for now).
If you have any interest in joining the Meetup to see what the latest craziness is, feel free. It doesn't cost a dime. You would get spammed by Meetup with an announcement every time I create the next Meetup. We have 448 Members at present.
You'll love this. We may be going back to the cabin in a couple weeks. Several of the 8/31/19 group want to see the cabin. I'm looking at scheduling a trek out there next May, when Skeets is back in town. We would likely be sharing those expansive meadows with the bison migrating back from Horse Butte, and hopefully, not much snow.
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