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Posted by Paul ( on 04:39:10 03/02/21
March 1st;YNP Roads fairly well cleared for 'flatlanders" to negotiate. Overcast until noon than a brilliant blue sky with a scalding sun. Very little traffic, most were experienced photographers showing much courtesy and patience. (That will change come May) Buffalo in good shape and many gathered outside Gardiner. Elk were in huge numbers at Dome mountain pastures. Intrepid skiers were "marking" the hills with their paths etched in the snow. A very good photo op was presented at 1 mile south of Trout Lake. A beautiful coated fox trotted along the road side venturing occasionally over the plow drift into the deeper snow---which it decided wasn't worth the energy expense. Big horn sheep were the attraction for many tourist at the Confluence. Golden eye ducks were plentiful and a few mallards here and there. The meringue like topping to the snow created havoc with the digital camera light meter. The Nikon flashed a message "just try the sunny-sixteen rule, 'cuz I quit." I left my sunny-sixteen notes back at the Museum of the Rockies so I was fresh out of luck and had to resort to "by-guess-and-by-golly." Which worked....sort of.
Lunch at Wonderland was Wonderful. Not much of a crowd. Not much of anything as matter of fact. Even the scones were gone. Than, a quiet highway empty ride back to Bozeman filled with pleasant memories of Yellowstone in the winter and one squinty-eyed fox.
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